
Tuesday, 15 January 2013

My games wish list.

1. Bioshock Infinite: 
I have been looking forward to this game a lot . I loved the introduction to rapture in the first Bioshock game and the city of Atalanta looks even more amazing . The special abilities and the rail slide system are looking really entertaining and i can't wait to get to play it .

2. The Last Of Us:
The last of us is a game lot of people have heard about and a lot of people are looking forward to . it is the next game of the developers of Uncharted and Rachet and clank , so i am not worried about it or that excited about it , it will be an amazing game for sure .

3. Aliens: Colonial Marines:
I have never seen any of the Alien movie‘s , i have seen prometheus but that's not really an alien movie imo at least , but i like the setting and the alien as a hunter sounds really amazing . I guess before i'm allowed to play it, elle will make me watch the movies so it should be fine . Anyways i like the deserted spaceship and the dark so i hope i get a lot from Aliens: Colonial Marines .

4. Blazblue Chrono Phantasma:
BLazblue started for me with continuum shift , so i miissed calamaty trigger but i played it at a friends and i really love the story whats kind of unusual for a fighting game , but on the other side the controls are amazingly on point, the combo system is really really fun and i love the anime sprite optic. So i'm really looking forward to play it .

5. Remember Me:
Well Remember me is a game i don't know a lot about , the player controls person in pairs in the year 2084 (so the setting should be great) , but out of (for me ) unknown reasons her memory's were removed. So you are trying to steal and deal with memories and thoughts of people to get information about your own past and why your memories have been deleted , while the game play reminds me of assassins creed , which i‘m a big fan of , also the story of inception (i’m a big fan of that as well). I expect it be a really nice and entertaining game.

6. The Last Guardian:
This is a game i actually bought my PS3 , it still hasn't been released and i'm not even sure if it ever get released . I love shadow of the colossus , i bought it on PS2 and on PS3. I haven't played ICO yet but i have  it in my collection . I love team ICO and if they release this game i'm going to get the biggest collectors edition possible. I‘m a huge fan of their games and i would love to play The last guardian on my PS3.

7. Dead Space 3:
It took me a long time to play Dead Space 1 because i was really annoyed by all the people saying it is such an amazing and scary game, but i have found out they were right and it really is . As  is Dead Space 2 , even though it is less scary and has a lot more action it still is amazing but slightly worse then Part 1 . The plot line of part 3 makes sense , the CO OP  sounds interesting and i doubt it will be scary , still i'm looking forward to help Isaac out of his misery in space . Also i managed to get Elle to promise me that she will play it with me so it should be a lot of fun. 

8. Dust 514:
Coming from the huge EVE online is Dust 514 a really interesting and promising  free to play , cross platform game . Taking part as a mercenary in a huge space battle , getting payed by online PC players depending on how you are doing on the battlefield , and being able to use that money on gear and gadgets or vehicles , and all that free to play. I'm really excited how this experiment will turn out and definitely give it a try . 

9. Metal gear rising re-vengeance:
Platinum Games is one of my favourite studios , since they started with Bayonetta which i hyped long time before it was released and continued with Vanquish my favourite game of 2010 and also Anarchy Reign what will release here soon,  but I am more excited about this one . I have never liked Metal gear, but the action and speed in this game look amazing and it will be hard at the same time . I really am looking forward to play the next fast paced action game from Platinum Games. 

10. Beyond: two souls:

I love movies and games and no other game series is that much away from the normal games then quantic dreams : Indigo Prophecy and Heavy rain. Their games are interactive movies and it works and its amazing , the player starts to feel with the characters and the fact that every character can die at any time and the story continues improves that feeling a lot. This time they have Ellen Page as the main Character so it promises to be amazing and i can't wait watch/play Beyond two souls. 

11. Ni No Kuni:
Ni No Kuni : Wrath of the white witch ......... i don't really have anything to say about it, i haven't played the demo yet but i will to 100% i heard it‘s an amazing game from a lot of people and the optic looks really nice and i personally really enjoy Japanese games so i'm kind of excited, it was a long time ago that i played a game blind like that . 

12. Prey 2:
The first time i saw Prey 2 was at the Games-com in cologne 2011 and it has that bladerunne , future style. I love the bounty hunting thing, the gadget , the free run , it just look‘s like it will be awesome. Again i'm really looking forward one of the games i will be more excited about and definitely buy. 

13. Gears of War Judgement:

I didn't play Gears of war for a while because the violence and gore in it is really at a max level , but when you start playing it you realize that the mechanics are on point and the friendship of Marcus and Dom is amazing. I played Gears of War 3 with Elle and we will play Judgment hopefully together again, which i am really looking forward to as she loves Gears of War.

14. God of war Ascension:
God of War Ascension is one of the most expected games  i know , i have played all the God of War games and own on PS2 and PS3 . I didn't expect Ascension to become a prequel but it will be nice to find out how Kratos becomes the God of Sparta and what happened before the God of war Saga began. The multi-player will be a nice extra and i love to do arena stuff in coop mode , i'm a huge CO-OP and PVP fan.

15. Injustice: Gods among us:
Even though i'm 23 i really like Super heroes , especially BATMAN. I always loved him and always will. I love fighters so injustice fighting as heroes or villains in a good balanced , fun and adult fighter sounds amazing and i am excited. It will be from the maker who are doing mortal combat which i'm not a fan of , nor do i like the fighting system in it. I am skeptical about injustice but with the super heroes and the look of it, i will to get it anyway . 

16. Soul Sacrifice:
One of the titles i'm really hyped about is Soul Sacrifice, It's so far the only PS Vita game I know I will  100% that i will purchase it because it looks amazing. It has a CO-OP mode which i love and a reward system. I am however really annoyed that the demo isn't out in the English PS store so i wasn't able to play it yet , but i will definitely get this game . Action RPG are is the  genre i normally have the most fun playing . So this should be a great buy (Thank you so much for the Vita Elle <3) 

17. Tomb Raider:
I love Indiana Jones and I love Tomb Raider and Uncharted , so it‘s no surprise that i am looking forward to the revival of Lara Croft in the new Tomb Raider. I expect this game to be a lot like Uncharted, seeing as the characters goals are similar to the time and genre, but i love Uncharted so i hope it will be good. Also for them to develop a prequel is an amazing idea and i can't wait to see Lara's adventurous life.

Happy 1 year anniversary to my fiance Elle, i love you lot's!


  1. Haha i like how you mentioned me thanks xxx

    1. You are part of it and we play games together so i will mention you a lot :) . love you xxx
